GuoQi Zhang

Dr. G.Q. Zhang is IEEE Fellow, chair professor for “Micro/Nanoelectronics System Integration and Reliability” of Delft University of Technology (TUD). His research interests cover multi-level heterogeneous system integration and packaging; multi-physics and multiscale modelling and optimization of micro/nanoelectronics; digital twin and designing for reliability; wide-bandgap semiconductors sensors and components; SSL technology; and their applications mainly in healthcare, energy and mobility.
He authored/co-authored more than 450 scientific publications; chaired /co-chaired several international conferences; serves as chief editor for Springer book series “SSL Technology and Applications”, chief editor for Science Partner Journal “BioMedical Engineering Frontiers” and associated editor for three other international journals. He serves as deputy director of European Center for Micro- and Nanoreliability (EUCEMAN); co-chair of Advisory Board of International Solid-State Lighting Alliance (ISA); secretary-general of IEEE ITRW (International Technology Roadmap of Wide bandgap power semiconductors).
He chaired the Strategic Research Agenda of “More than Moore” of European’s technology platform for micro/nanoelectronics; served as co-chair of the academic council of Dutch national innovation program “Point-One” on “Micro/nanoelectronics and embedded system”; he was the founding person for MEMSLand, the NL national MEMS research consortium. Before becoming full-time professor of TUD, he worked for NXP Semiconductors as Senior Director of Technology Strategy until 2009, Philips Research Fellow until May 2013. He was also a part-time professor of Technical University of Eindhoven from 2001 and part-time professor of TUD from 2005.
Zichuan Li

He received his B.S. degree in engineering mechanics from Tongji University (China) in 2017. Then he received his M.Sc. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (China) in 2020. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D degree at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). He is mainly focusing on the multiphysics modeling of the mechanical behaviors of light-sensitive intelligent materials, for example azo-dyed liquid crystal polymer. His ambition is to promote the development of light-driven soft actuators with numerical simulation technologies.