Camille Chatard

Camille Chatard is the custom synthesis manager of SPECIFIC POLYMERS. Graduated with a master degree in polymer and material chemistry, she has been in charge of many industrial and academic R&D projects for international stakeholders over the past 10 years. Within the project, Camille leads the scientific activity of SP aiming at the synthesis of molecules with liquid crystal properties for the development of LCE materials.
Pierre-Louis Brient

Pierre-Louis has been working at SPECIFIC POLYMERS as an organic chemist engineer for 4 years. Receiving his master’s degree in pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry in 2016, he applies his professional experience towards the synthesis of innovative monomers and polymers for various applications. Within the project, Pierre-Louis carries out the experimental work related to the synthesis of different LC molecules and crosslinkers at laboratory scale.
Marion Combre

Marion Combre is the Innovation Funding Manager of SPECIFIC POLYMERS. Graduated with an engineer degree in chemistry, she has been in charge of managing several collaborative projects (European – FP7, H2020, LIFE, Eurostars – and national fundings) during 10 years as she was working as consultant in innovation.