In this section you find the dissemination activity carries on by the REPAIR group, such as the partecipation to the international conferences and meetings.
REPAIR consortium members present 4 posters at the 49th European Muscle Conference, Prague, 22-26/09/2022
Camilla Parmeggiani of UNIFI gave a presentation at the 14th National Conference of Italian Society Liquid Crystals (Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana Cristalli Liquidi), Padova 22-23/09/2022
Camilla Parmeggiani, UNIFI, presented at the XXII National Congress of Industrial Chemistry Division (Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale), Catania, 7-8/11/2022
István Baczkó of USZ presented at the 47th EWGCCE meeting in Copenhagen, 12-14/06/2023
Beatrice Scellini, Marica Dente and Marianna Langione presented posters at 49th European Muscle Conference in Firenze, September 2023
István Baczkó of USZ presented at the 9th European Section Meeting of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences (IACS-ES) held in October 4th – 7th, 2023 in Timișoara, Romania
REPAIR’s Fourth General Meeting, was held in Florence 23rd-25th of October 2023